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70. Incapacity determinations (CIS report)

For: Employers and managers

This report is part of our Customer Information System (CIS).

About the report

  • Description: This report is a statement of incapacity determinations made within a chosen period, allowing both individual daily reports as well as cumulative fortnightly reports. The report can be run for individual cost centres as well as all cost centres within the agency.
  • Access level required: Finance Level Access.
  • Export options: .csv
  • Benefits: This report allows agencies to view new incapacity determinations, and changes to existing determinations. The report is especially useful for viewing incapacity determinations applicable to the current pay period.
  • Parameters: The report represents incapacity determinations made by Comcare within the specified period.

Fields in the report

Table 1: Description of the fields in the Incapacity determinations report
Cost Ctr No Payroll Cost Centre, as generated by Comcare, for the Employee.
Name Name of the Payroll Cost Centre.
Claim No Employee number and claim suffix against which the incapacity was paid.
Employee Name Name of the Employee with incapacity.
Cust Ref The payroll cost centre customer reference (where provided).
Payroll Code The employee's payroll code for the given claim (where available).
Incap Det No Comcare's unique number assigned for the incapacity determination.
Lost Wks-HH:MM The number of incapacity weeks, hours and minutes, lost as a result of the incapacity.
Incap Status The status of the incapacity determination:
A  - accepted for payment
D  - unpaid incapacity that was deleted
R  - unpaid incapacity that was rejected
U  - undetermined.
Post Determination Start Date This is the day after the date in which the first currently accepted incapacity determination is made.
Page last reviewed: 03 June 2022

GPO Box 9905, Canberra, ACT 2601
1300 366 979 |

Date printed 22 Oct 2024