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Rehabilitation case managers

For: Claimants Employers and managers Service providers Advocates Information seekers

Rehabilitation case managers coordinate and manage the rehabilitation and return to work of employees with an injury or illness, on behalf of the employer.

Updated rehabilitation templates

Effective 30 October 2024, Comcare has updated the rehabilitation assessment and examination templates to assist rehabilitation authorities (RAs) to comply with the Guide for Arranging Rehabilitation Assessments and Requiring Examinations 2024.

Two separate templates are now available to meet the needs of both 36(1) rehabilitation assessments and 36(3) rehabilitation assessment examinations.

Role and responsibilities of rehabilitation case managers

When an employee makes a workers’ compensation claim, the rehabilitation authority – usually the current employer – will assign a rehabilitation case manager (RCM) to support the injured employee’s recovery and return to work.

Under the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 (SRC Act) any employee can be assigned the role of RCM. In some circumstances, the rehabilitation authority will engage an external RCM.

Responsibilities of an RCM can include:

Guidance for rehabilitation case managers

Guidance and resources to perform your role

Guidance and resources on return to work

Videos and factsheets to share

As an RCM, you play a crucial role in helping injured or ill employees recover and return to work. The video playlists below offer information on the return-to-work process for both employees and employers. Share these playlists with employees, supervisors, senior managers, and other relevant stakeholders.

For more information about recovery and return to work, download the factsheet for employees: Your recovery and return to work (PDF, 407.5 KB).

Video playlist for employees

These videos explain the importance of a safe, timely and lasting return to work, the role of the employer and other support people in their recovery and include tips to help employees recover and return to work.

Video playlist for employers

The employer video explains the benefits of supporting employees to safely return to work, the importance of responding early to injuries and illness, employer responsibilities and how to effectively lead your organisation's return to work approach.

For more information on supporting employees to recover and return to work, download the factsheet for employers: Supporting recovery and return to work (PDF, 364.9 KB).

More information

Page last reviewed: 29 November 2024

GPO Box 9905, Canberra, ACT 2601
1300 366 979 |

Date printed 19 Feb 2025