Access to our Brisbane, Canberra and Melbourne offices is currently restricted. To visit us at these locations, call 1300 366 979 to arrange an appointment.

Feedback and complaints

For: Claimants Employers and managers Service providers Advocates Information seekers

We welcome your feedback, compliments, and complaints about the services we provide and how we deliver them. This helps us improve the way we do things.

You can:

  • Provide feedback about a service we have given, or suggest an improvement to our services.
  • Make a complaint about a process or service you have received where you want a resolution and/or response.
  • Give a compliment about a service we have given.

Review of claim decisions

You can apply for a reconsideration of a claim determination. This follows a separate legislative process that is different from providing feedback.

Review of work health and safety decisions

You can apply to review a work health and safety decision. This follows a separate legislative process that is different from providing feedback.

Procurement complaints

The Government Procurement (Judicial Review) Act 2018 establishes an independent complaint mechanism for government procurement processes. Find out more about how to make a procurement complaint.

Claims managed through a contracted service provider

Comcare has contracted Gallagher Bassett and EML Solutions (EML) to provide claims management services for certain workers' compensation claims.

If your claim is being managed by a service provider, first provide feedback directly to your relevant claims service provider:

  • claims managed by Gallagher Bassett, call (03) 9297 9428 or visit the Gallagher Bassett website for other contact options
  • claims managed by EML, call 1800 365 227 or visit the EML website for other contact options.

If you are not satisfied with the response provided by the claims service provider, you can contact Comcare.

Information you should include

Provide enough information so we can direct your feedback or complaint to the right area within Comcare. Include details such as:

  • what happened
  • when the event took place (date and time)
  • who was involved
  • any action you have already taken in relation to the issue or complaint and the outcome
  • the action or outcome you would like to see as a result of your feedback.

How to provide feedback or complaints

Ways to give us your feedback or complaints

If you are not fluent in English, we can arrange for an interpreter service.

Anonymous feedback

If you do not want to provide your name or be identified, we accept anonymous feedback.

However, this will mean the actions we take or the outcome that is reached will not be made known to you.  We may also be unable to resolve your concern if we need to contact you for more information.

To submit your feedback anonymously, you can use our Anonymous Online Feedback form.

Feedback and complaints on behalf of another person

You can provide feedback or make a complaint for someone else.

However, if you provide feedback or a complaint for someone receiving workers’ compensation, we can only discuss their claim with you when we have their written consent. Complete the Authority to Act on an Employee's Behalf form (PDF, 67.8 KB).

What happens after you provide feedback or a complaint

We will acknowledge your feedback or complaint by phone or email and aim to:

  • Contact you within 2 business days.
  • Keep you updated while we review your matter.
  • Provide you with formal written response within 15 business days.

You can expect Comcare staff to:

  • be professional and courteous
  • provide you with timely responses
  • respect your privacy in line with the Australian Privacy Principles detailed in the Privacy Act 1988.

Our service charter is Comcare's commitment to the standards of service you can expect from us. It also explains the steps you can take if our service standards are not met.

Feedback and complaints are managed in accordance with the Complaint Handling Framework (PDF, 641.7 KB) to ensure a consistent and comprehensive approach.

External review of our decisions or actions

Commonwealth Ombudsman

The Commonwealth Ombudsman investigates complaints from people who believe they have been treated unfairly or unreasonably by an Australian Government agency, including Comcare.

The Commonwealth Ombudsman does not usually investigate a complaint unless it has been raised with the relevant agency first. If you feel there’s a good reason why you do not want to contact Comcare about your complaint, you can contact the Ombudsman's office to discuss.

You can make a complaint using the Commonwealth Ombudsman online complaint form or visit the Commonwealth Ombudsman website for contact details.

Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission

If you have concerns that a self-insured licensee has breached its licence, contact the Safety Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission. The Commission is responsible for granting, monitoring and revoking self-insurance licences.

The Commission may consider acting on the concerns you raise, including conducting its own investigation of the employer to determine if a breach has occurred.

The Commission’s functions do not extend to investigating complaints in relation to individual claims matters.

To contact the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission:

  • Email
  • Phone 1300 366 979 between 8 am and 5 pm AET Monday to Friday (calls from mobile phones are charged at mobile phone rates)
  • Write to Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission, GPO Box 9905, Canberra ACT 2601.

For more information, visit the Safety Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission.

Page last reviewed: 07 May 2024

GPO Box 9905, Canberra, ACT 2601
1300 366 979 |

Date printed 19 Feb 2025