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Comcare National Work Health and Safety Awards - Conditions of entry

Recognising and rewarding excellence in workplace health and safety

  1. There are three categories in the 2023 Comcare National Work Health and Safety Awards with two Awards split into sub-categories:
    • Category One
      Prevention Award (1.A and 1.B)
    • Category Two
      Recovery at and Return to Work Award
    • Category Three
      Individual Contribution Award (3.A and 3.B)
  2. Information on this page, including the instructions on how to enter the awards, the online submission portal and any other details in promotional material about the 2023 Comcare National Work Health and Safety Awards all form part of the terms and conditions of entry. The terms and conditions of entry apply to all entrants in all categories for the 2023 Comcare National Work Health and Safety Awards.
  3. The 2023 Comcare National Work Health and Safety Awards will be administered by Comcare.
  4. Entry for the 2023 Comcare National Work Health and Safety Awards is open to employers and individuals operating within the Commonwealth work health and safety and/or workers’ compensation jurisdiction.
  5. Comcare reserves the right to either allow or disallow any entrant for any reason at its complete discretion.
  6. Comcare has complete discretion in assessing entries, applying the judging criteria, conditions of entry and determining the awards.
  7. Comcare reserves the right to move entries into an alternate category or sub-category other than that entered if it is deemed more appropriate. Entrants will be advised if this occurs.
  8. Entries must be received by 5 pm Sunday 30 April 2023 (EDT). Extensions of this deadline for any entry will only be considered if a written request has been received by Comcare by 5 pm Sunday 23 April 2023 (EDT).
  9. Entries must be provided electronically through the online portal unless otherwise arranged with Comcare and must include an entry form with up-to-date contact details.
  10. Subject to the terms and conditions of entry, the decision of Comcare on category awards is final.
  11. The assessment, conduct and results of the awards will not create any legal obligations between entrants and Comcare or the Commonwealth.
  12. Comcare reserves the right not to allocate an award in a particular category where, in its opinion, there are no entries of sufficient merit.
  13. If an entrant that is judged to have won a category is found to have failed to satisfy or abide by the terms and conditions of the 2023 Comcare National Work Health and Safety Awards, Comcare may determine that the entrant shall not be entitled to the relevant award. Comcare may, at its absolute discretion, award the relevant award to another entrant or choose not to award a winner for that category at all.
  14. Entries and supporting material will not be returned to entrants.
  15. Each entrant warrants that its entry, including any designs and/or inventions, is the entrant’s original work, that any intellectual property rights arising in connection with that entry rest in the entrant and that the entry does not interfere with any third-party rights.
  16. Previous Comcare National Work Health and Safety Awards and Annual Safe Work Australia Award winners are ineligible to enter this year’s awards with the same initiative/solution/contribution.
  17. By entering the 2023 Comcare National Work Health and Safety Awards each entrant warrants that all information in their entry is true, accurate and complete.
  18. Entrants may be requested to provide further evidence to substantiate their entries and, if so requested, such evidence must be provided within any timeframes stipulated by Comcare in relation to the request.
  19. All entrants agree to allow representatives of Comcare to enter and inspect premises and permit information gathering and video production by Comcare representatives, for the purpose of verifying or assessing the entry.
  20. Comcare will ensure that there is no disclosure to any third party of any information provided by an entrant marked ‘confidential’, except with the prior consent of that entrant or where such a disclosure is authorised or required by law.
  21. All entrants authorise Comcare to use the information contained in entries (other than confidential information) for any purpose including, but not limited to, promotional purposes.
  22. Without limiting the generality of clause 20, and subject to notice by Comcare to the relevant entrant, all entrants authorise Comcare to publish details of their entry, including but not limited to contact names, phone numbers, email addresses and photos. Comcare will only use the personal information of entrants for purposes unrelated to the Comcare National Work Health and Safety Awards with prior consent of the entrant, or unless authorised or required to do so by law. For further information about Comcare’s information handling practices, please see the Privacy Policy on the Comcare website.
  23. Entrants acknowledge that they may be required for presentations and media interviews in respect of their entry and agree to take all reasonable steps to make themselves available for, and actively participate in, such presentations or media interviews.
  24. All entrants authorise Comcare to recommend that the product, method or service comprising their entry be adopted for use by any other individual or organisation.
  25. Winning an award does not signify endorsement of a particular product or a particular work health and safety practice by Comcare.
  26. Ticket sales for the 2023 Comcare National Work Health and Safety Awards luncheon on Thursday 9 November 2023 will be on sale from late August 2023. Finalists are required to purchase ticket/s if they wish to attend the presentation.
  27. Comcare, the Commonwealth and the officers, workers and agents of the preceding do not accept any liability, however arising, including liability for negligence, for any accident, loss, injury or damage arising at any time out of or in connection with the 2023 Comcare National Work Health and Safety Awards except for any liability that cannot, by law, be excluded.
  28. Entrants who breach any of these ‘conditions of entry’ are subject to disqualification.
  29. By submitting an entry, entrants shall be taken to have acknowledged and accepted these terms and conditions and to have agreed to be bound by them.

Submit your nomination

Page last reviewed: 01 December 2021

GPO Box 9905, Canberra, ACT 2601
1300 366 979 |

Date printed 27 Jul 2024