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Employer feedback guiding our work

14 Nov 2023

Earlier this year we surveyed our employers about their experiences with Comcare. Their feedback has been useful in guiding our work.

Here are some of the survey highlights and actions we’re taking to better meet the needs of our employers.

Survey highlights

What we’re doing well:

  • Around three quarters of employers are satisfied with Comcare, with 74% of Premium Payers and 77% of Licensees marking satisfied or very satisfied, with our courteous and professional staff being named as one of the factors driving this result.
  • They gave their highest scores for our Education and Research and Workplace Health and Safety services.
  • Satisfaction with staff in our Injury and Claims function increased by 5% in 2023.
  • They noted improvements in how we explain licence fee calculations, workers’ compensation training, along with how we provide advice about workplace health and safety matters.

Action we’re taking:

We’ve established an action plan to address issues identified in the survey, and to guide continuous improvement with our work. Highlights from the plan include:

  • Better and clearer communication – including general customer service process improvements, an expanded inspectorate program, and seeking employer input on our guidance and resources.
  • Improving understanding around premiums and cost recovery through webinars and a broader communications program.
  • Psychosocial risk management – including new or improved guidance on mental health, more relevant webinars and increased direct engagement with employers.
  • Supporting improved return to work outcomes with tailored action plans and service offerings.
  • More targeted collaboration with employers, giving more opportunities for training, feedback and working together to achieve our common goals.

The Employer Survey is run annually to ensure we’re meeting the needs of our employers and delivering on our mission to improve workplace health and safety, and support injured workers to recover and return to work.

Page last reviewed: 14 November 2023

GPO Box 9905, Canberra, ACT 2601
1300 366 979 |

Date printed 19 Feb 2025