Delegated claims management arrangements
Your organisation can take on claims management responsibilities that are normally carried out by Comcare.
Purpose of alternative arrangements
We offer alternative claims management arrangements to:
- enable you to play a greater role in managing your organisation’s claims
- continue our focus on working with you to ensure the most efficient and effective scheme for the Australian Public Service.
Under these arrangements our Chief Executive Officer can delegate claims management powers and responsibilities, including decision making, to appropriately trained officers in your organisation (delegates).
Eligible organisations
To be eligible for an alternative claims management arrangement, you must be a non-corporate Commonwealth entity. A list of non-corporate Commonwealth entities is maintained by the Department of Finance.
The alternative arrangement must be cost effective for us to consider this change. We complete a cost effectiveness assessment and work with you to gather the relevant information.
Types of claims management arrangements
You can choose from three options:
Agency delegates with Comcare as the Claims Manager
Selected employees from your organisation are the delegates with support from Comcare as the Claims Manager for your organisation’s claims. A service level agreement is put in place.
Agency delegates with a service provider as the Claims Manager
Selected employees from your organisation are the delegates. A service provider is assigned to deliver claims management support. We assign and manage the contract for the service provider.
Your delegates have a direct relationship with the service provider on operational claims matters, however we manage contract approvals and performance of the service provider.
Comcare has contracted EML Solutions (EML) and Gallagher Bassett as the service providers to provide support in this option.
Agency delegates with the agency as the Claims Manager
Selected employees from your organisation are the delegates and the Claims Manager. Comcare monitors your ongoing performance.
More information
You can find more information on the preparation, transition and ongoing monitoring of alternative options in our Delegated Claims Management Arrangements overview (PDF, 235.4 KB).
If you are interested in an alternative claims management arrangement:
- email
- call us on 1300 366 979.