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Hazardous chemicals notification

For: Employers and managers Information seekers

Comcare must be notified of hazardous chemicals listed in schedule 11 of the Work Health and Safety Regulations (WHS Regulations) at workplaces, when certain situations arise.

When to notify

The ‘person conducting a business or undertaking’ (PCBU) must notify Comcare when:

  • hazardous chemicals listed in schedule 11 of the WHS Regulations which are to be used, handled or stored at the workplace exceed the manifest quantity
  • there will be a significant change in the risk associated with the use, handling or storage of the schedule 11 hazardous chemical
  • schedule 11 hazardous chemicals exceeding the manifest quantity cease to be used, handled or stored at the workplace
  • an underground, partially underground or fully mounded tank that was used to store flammable gases or flammable liquids is abandoned
  • a pipeline used to transfer schedule 11 hazardous chemicals crosses into a public place.

See hazardous chemicals listed in schedule 11 of  the WHS Regulations.

If you need to notify Comcare of a major hazard facility and the notification quantities, see Major hazard facilities. Major hazard facilities are sites that store, handle and process large quantities of hazardous chemicals and dangerous goods.

If your workplace experiences a chemical spill or incident and you need to notify us, see Responding to an incident for more information.

How to notify

To notify us about hazardous chemicals at your workplace, submit:

To notify us, you will need:

  • Information about the chemicals
  • A copy of the manifest for schedule 11 substances that conforms to schedule 12 of the Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011, if notifying about chemicals
  • Operational and emergency procedures, and diagram of each pipeline location, if notifying about pipelines transferring chemicals
  • A certificate of tank abandonment from a competent person, if notifying about a tank abandonment.
Page last reviewed: 16 June 2023

GPO Box 9905, Canberra, ACT 2601
1300 366 979 |

Date printed 19 Feb 2025