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Workplace Research Monthly

For: Claimants Employers and managers Service providers Advocates Information seekers

Each month, read about the latest research on the health benefits of work, recovery at work, return to work, and work health and safety issues.

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Climate change turns up the heat on outdoor workers

As the climate changes, extreme heat events are on the rise. Outdoor workers are at particular risk.

A systematic review of 29 studies looked at what’s known about the impact of climate change on outdoor workers, and factors that affect our resilience to working in heat.

It also reviewed strategies that workplaces can build into work health and safety programs to improve heat resilience, including:

  • measures targeting hydration
  • work–rest regimes
  • training and awareness
  • protective equipment.

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Page last reviewed: 30 November 2023

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1300 366 979 |

Date printed 27 Jul 2024