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Operating as a rehabilitation provider

For: Service providers Information seekers

As a workplace rehabilitation provider, you need to meet Comcare’s performance and compliance expectations under the Safety Rehabilitation Compensation Act 1988.

Comcare approval of providers

You need to be approved by Comcare to operate as a workplace rehabilitation provider (WRP) in the Comcare scheme.

WRPs in the Comcare scheme are approved for up to three years. Every three years approved providers go through a renewal process with Comcare. The current approval period runs until 30 June 2026.

For more information, see Approval as a workplace rehabilitation provider.

Training requirements

WRP consultants are required to complete Comcare training. This training is mandatory for all new consultants and can be used as a refresher for experienced consultants. The training consists of:

  • Online training focusing on the Comcare scheme, legislative and service delivery requirements and performance expectations. This training must be completed by all new consultants prior to delivering rehabilitation services to employees. See information on accessing the training module via Comcare's Learning Management System (LMS).
  • Face to face training is a 3-hour interactive virtual session to reflect on concepts learned in the Workplace Rehabilitation Provider e-learn and practice skills, embed knowledge and explore workplace scenarios alongside peers and colleagues.

Mandatory requirements

  • Consultants must have successfully completed the Workplace Rehabilitation Provider e-learn course before they can attend this training.
  • Consultants must attend this workshop between 3 to 6 months after joining a Comcare approved WRP.

Additional information

For any further questions, regarding the training, please contact the Education Team at

Performance Monitoring Framework

Comcare has developed a Performance Monitoring Framework (PDF, 162.4 KB) for workplace rehabilitation providers. The Framework details Comcare’s compliance and performance requirements and approach to monitoring approved Workplace Rehabilitation Providers.

The Framework includes links to Comcare’s:

It also includes Comcare’s return to work targets and performance measures.


We provide the forms which workplace rehabilitation providers use and samples of the completed forms.

This form is used to engage a workplace rehabilitation provider to assess an injured or ill employee's readiness and capacity to participate in a rehabilitation program.

This form is used to document the agreed rehabilitation program for an injured or ill employee.

This form is used to document changes to an agreed rehabilitation program once it has started, in order to achieve the original agreed goals. These changes may include altered timeframes or additional costs or services. A form should be used each time an alteration is made. However, if the overall goals for a program change, the program should be closed using the Rehabilitation Program Closure Record form.

When an employee decides to close a rehabilitation program before its planned completion date or achievement of goals, a cessation determination must be made. A formal determination is not required when the rehabilitation program has been completed—the goals have been achieved or the end date reached. However, in this case page two of the form must be submitted to Comcare.

This form helps identify suitable duties after an injury has occurred.

An agreement aims to secure a common understanding and commitment to the work trial.

Use this form to update your details in our online directory.

More information

For information on providing workplace rehabilitation services, see our Rehabilitation Case Manager handbook (PDF, 1.7 MB).

For more information, email or call us on 1300 366 979.

Page last reviewed: 26 June 2024

GPO Box 9905, Canberra, ACT 2601
1300 366 979 |

Date printed 19 Feb 2025