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Employer survey project

For: Employers and managers Information seekers

This project aims to garner insights about Comcare’s employers’ attitudes, experiences and perceptions.

2024 survey results

Each year, Comcare surveys employers to learn more about their attitudes, experiences and perceptions. This helps us ensure we’re meeting employers’ needs and delivering on our mission to improve workplace health and safety and support injured workers to recover and return to work. Results from this year’s survey are in.

Key findings

  • Overall employer satisfaction with Comcare is at an all-time high, having increased by 6 points to 80%.
  • Employer satisfaction with Comcare staff has also reached an all-time high of 81%. There were marked improvements in Comcare staff listening, providing clear responses, and keeping employers in the Comcare jurisdiction informed.
  • Perceptions of Comcare's effectiveness in supporting employees' return to work have increased to 63%, a 10-point increase from 2023 and our best result to date.
  • Employers acknowledged our recent efforts to improve engagement through proactive inspections and better explaining premium calculations and regulatory fees were acknowledged in the employer feedback, with both areas up 17 points.
  • Our education and learning offerings are in demand, with employers asking for more workplace health and safety, insurance and self-insurance guidance.

There are also areas for improvement, including providing more consistent, timely and high-quality information; increasing Comcare’s proactivity; and facilitating more collaboration and networking opportunities.

Project participants

Project lead

  • Comcare

Other organisations involved

  • Australian Public Service (APS) agencies
  • Delegated claims agencies
  • Self-insured licensee organisations

More information

For more information on this research project, please contact

Page last reviewed: 07 June 2024

GPO Box 9905, Canberra, ACT 2601
1300 366 979 |

Date printed 27 Jul 2024