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Employee awareness project

For: Employers and managers Information seekers

This project investigated how to better empower people with a temporary or permanent injury, illness or disability to use work as part of their recovery. This is an important gap in evidence.

This is a Collaborative Partnership project.

Project update

The project has delivered new understandings through a rapid literature review, citizen panel, and interviews with citizens and expert stakeholders.

Now available are the:

Project overview

This project commissioned research to understand:

  • the experience of people with a temporary or permanent injury, illness or disability navigating Australia’s benefit and income support systems and interacting with employers and service providers
  • their perspectives on interventions aimed to empower, such as mentoring, work accommodation and goal setting.

This project identified evidence-based:

  • dependent self-empowerment interventions (actions an individual can take) and
  • dependent empowerment interventions (actions an individual cannot take without broader changes).

Project participants

Project lead

  • EML

Other organisations involved

  • Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
  • Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU)
  • Mental Health Commission
  • Australasian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental medicine (AFOEM)
  • Representatives from industry groups, consumer and disability sectors, and Comcare licensees
  • The Shannon Company
  • Behaviourworks Australia.
Page last reviewed: 07 March 2024

GPO Box 9905, Canberra, ACT 2601
1300 366 979 |

Date printed 22 Oct 2024